The Regenerative Practitioner



Welcome to The Regenerative Practitioner Series for JET 2021! To begin your preparation for the course, please complete the following tasks:

  • Review the Course Syllabus, which contains a general overview of the course and its learning outcomes, as well as specific information about the topic of each of the sessions.
  • Review our summary of the course’s Reading Materials and Assignments, which provides information about the session materials and recommended course textbook.
  • Complete our Participant Questionnaire, which gives our faculty a sense of the practice and life experience that you are bringing to the course.
  • Review our Philosophy Around Use of Materials and Copyrights, and sign to indicate that you have read and understand the information laid out within.
  • Complete your participant profile. When the course starts, we’ll connect you to the participant profiles of everyone in your cohort. Complete your profile now by uploading a photo and, if desired, revising the information you submitted on your enrollment form. To complete your profile, click on the My Profile link in the light-blue menu at the top of your screen!
  • Click the MeetUp Session Page button on the right to view your MeetUp preparation materials, and review the materials on that page prior to the first session on Sept. 25th.

Session Schedule

The Series consists of one pre-course MeetUp Session, 9 two-hour sessions, and one culminating Intensive between the second-to-last and final session. Session are scheduled for 4pm WEST (Portugal) and 5pm CEST (Malta) unless otherwise specified.

Course MeetUp

September 25 (8:30am-5:30pm BST)

September 26 (8:30am-1pm BST)

Session 1 October 4
Session 2 October 11
Session 3 October 18
Session 4 October 25
Session 5 November 8
Session 6 November 15
Session 7 November 22
Session 8 November 29
Intensive December 2-5
Session 9 December 13


Course MeetUp Details: Please refer to Claudia’s email for further details on the MeetUp in Cascais.

Zoom Access Information

With the exception of the in-person MeetUp and Intensive, course sessions will be held via Zoom. The Zoom link is the same for each session. We strongly encourage you to keep your version of Zoom as updated as possible.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 1628 3073
Passcode: 2021

Study Cohort Information

Check back here after the MeetUp for a record of study cohort groupings.

Session Recordings

Session recordings will be posted here for your reference within 2 days of each session.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8


 Session 9

Session Materials

Use the session outline to access the materials for each session, including preparatory readings and exercises.

MeetUp Session Page

The MeetUp includes an orientation to your course assignment and guidelines for working in study cohorts. Access the MeetUp session page for relevant materials.

Faculty Liaison

Contact your Faculty Liaison, Beatrice Ungard, with questions for faculty, including questions about the course content, assignments, or study cohorts. 

Need support?

Contact our Course Administrator, Avery Hardy, if you need help!