The Regenerative Practitioner Series


General Materials

Course Syllabus
Our Philosophy around Use of Materials and Copyright
The Thinking Behind Regenerative Development: A Bibliography

Session One: Definitions and Basic Concepts

Session 1- Definitions and Basic Concepts

Video Recordings:

2015 TRP Session 1 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 1 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 1 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 1 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 1 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 1 Europe (password is regenerate2017)
2018 TRP – Session 1 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 1 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Two: Systemic Frameworks

Session 2 Reading – Systemic Frameworks
Session 2 Assignment-Using the Tetrad to Define a Baseline

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 2 Santa Fe  (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 2 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 2 New Zealand (Sorry – no recording of this session)
2017 TRP – Session 2 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 2 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 2 Europe (password is regenerate2017)
2018 TRP – Session 2 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 2 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Three: Understanding Place

Session 3 Reading- Understanding Place
Session 3 Assignment – Mapping Your Projects Nested Systems of Place

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 3 Santa Fe  (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 3 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 3 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 3 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 3 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 3 Europe (password is regenerate2017)
2018 TRP – Session 3 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – 3 Session New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Four: Harnessing Potential

Session 4 Reading – Harnessing Potential
Session 4 Assignment – Imaging Your Project’s Place-Sourced Potential
Session 4 Assignment Graphed

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 – Session 4 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 4 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 4 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 4 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 4 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 4 Europe (password is regenerate2017)
2018 TRP – Session 4 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 4 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Five: Regenerative Capability

Session 5 Reading- Regenerative Capability
Session 5 Assignment – Growing Evolutionary Potential through Regenerative Goals

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 5 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 5 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 5 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 5 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 5 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 5 Europe (password is regenerate2017)

2018 TRP – Session 5 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 5 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Six: Vocation of Place

Session 6 Reading – Vocation of Place
Session 6 Assignment – Setting a Regenerative Direction

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 6 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 6 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 6 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 6 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 6 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 6 Europe (password is regenerate2017)

2018 TRP – Session 6 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 6 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Seven: Co-Evolving Mutualism

Session 7 Reading – Co-Evolving Mutualism
Session 7 Assignment – Integrate Your Project into Its Proximate Whole

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 7 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 7 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 7 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 7 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 7 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 7 Europe (password is regenerate2017)

2018 TRP – Session 7 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 7 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Eight: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Session 8 Reading – Looking Back and Looking Forward
Session 8 Assignment – Harvest Learning

Video Recordings:

TRP 2015 Session 8 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2015)
2016 TRP –  Session 8 Santa Fe (password is regenerate2016)
2016 TRP –  Session 8 New Zealand (password is regenerate2016)
2017 TRP – Session 8 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 8 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 8 Europe (password is regenerate2017)

2018 TRP – Session 8 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 8 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)

Session Nine: 

There are no materials for Session 9.

Video Recordings:

2017 TRP – Session 9 North America (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 9 New Zealand (password is regenerate2017)
2017 TRP – Session 9 Europe (password is regenerate2017)

2018 TRP – Session 9 New Zealand – Cohort A (password is regenerate2018)
2018 TRP – Session 9 New Zealand – Cohort B (password is regenerate2018)