TRP Co-Learning Network


2020 Schedule

2020 Co-Learning sessions will take place on the following dates. PLEASE NOTE that Australia and New Zealand are~20 hours ahead of USA time zones–in other words, Wednesdays in the US and Europe are Thursdays in Australia and New Zealand.

The Americas, Europe and Africa: Wednesdays – March 18, April 29, June 10, July 22, September 9, October 21, Dec 9, Feb 3 (2021)

Australia and New Zealand: Thursdays -March 19, April 30, June 11, July 23, September 10, October 22, Dec 10, Feb 4 (2021)

For each session, a range of scheduled times will be offered to organize members into manageably sized zoom calls while balancing the time zone requirements of our global membership. You will receive a list of available session times with an RSVP link two weeks prior to each session.

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